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Revelation 21:1-6

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Emphasis Preaching Journal

The Triumph of Love -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Frank Ramirez -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2022
One of the problems about living in the present is that the only perspective we get on our current t
Changed by Love -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2019
The bride-to-be was obviously nervous.
The power of words and the Word -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Frank Ramirez -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
The power of God’s word, spoken and written, is emphasized in several places in scripture.
Who do we let in? -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- David Coffin -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
The cry goes out in either the church council or congregational meeting: "We need more people to com
Something old, something new -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- David Kalas, Schuyler Rhodes -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2010
Human beings have an interesting relationship to old and new.
Serenity now! -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2007
Reading the texts for this Sunday I am reminded of the episode from the television series,
Making no distinction -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2001
We are a people who love to differentiate ourselves from others.
Newness glorifies God -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1998
This Sunday will fall on Mother's Day in churches throughout the United States, but the lessons pay
Keeping the dimension of mystery -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1995
The reading from Acts this day is the closing scene in a story that begins in Acts 10:1.
Moving on -- Acts 14:8-18, John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
One of John's contributions is his writing from the viewpoint of a later early Christian.
Focus on the Father -- Psalm 145:13b-21, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Easter Day - C
Sometimes when I hear some talk, I think that they have in their allegiance to Jesus forgotten what
All things new and improved -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- David Kalas -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
We don't much care for new things being forced on us, but we do like to have new things offered to u

Children's sermon

The Immediate Word

Hungry for More Justice -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2022
For May 15, 2022:
Love Between Our Toes -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2019
For May 19, 2019:
Opening Closed Doors -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
North Carolina became the center of national controversy last month when it passed the “
Soft Targets -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Leah Lonsbury, Ron Love -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
The news last Monday afternoon was stunning.
Is America A Christian Nation? -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2010
The volcano in Iceland that disrupted travel and commerce throughout Europe has not been the only er
Maternal Love: Human And Divine -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Carter Shelley -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
We pause in the midst of ongoing war and war crimes to think this Sunday of maternal love.
Divided We Fall -- Acts 11:1-18, John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Scott Suskovic, Barbara Jurgensen, Thom M. Shuman -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
The recent story about the U.S.


Home sweet home -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Leah Thompson -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2010
"See, the home of God is among mortals.
Beautiful brides -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2007
And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from
Love and paint -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
Good morning, boys and girls. I have a special hat that painters use when they paint.
What is heaven really like? -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
Today I want to talk about heaven. What do you think heaven
The water of life -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
Good morning! Here's something I bought yesterday at the
A bride's new beginning -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
I love weddings! Weddings are so exciting as the bride and



Easter 5 -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2009
See, the home of God is among mortals.



You Shall Be Holy -- Acts 13:44-52, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- John A. Tenbrook -- 2004
Me, be holy? Me, with all my horrid habits and stinky sins? I can't do that!


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations for Easter 5 (2022) -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2022
Acts 11:1-18
Sermon illustrations for Easter 5 (2019) -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Mark Ellingsen, Ron Love, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez, Bob Ove -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2019
Acts 11:1-18
Sermon illustrations for Easter 5 (2016) -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- R. Robert Cueni, Mark Ellingsen, Ron Love, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez, Bob Ove -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
Acts 11:1-18
Sermon illustrations for Easter 5 (2013) -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Mark J. Molldrem, Bob Ove, Ron Love, Mark Ellingsen -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
Acts 11:1-18
NULL -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
To behold the New Jerusalem is to see life on earth differently.
NULL -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Ron Love -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
John Adams, the second president of the United States, told his son Johnny (who would become the six
Acts 11:1-18 Many... -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2010
Acts 11:1-18
We're used to infomercials with... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2007
We're used to infomercials with their "But wait..." Before television, marketers printed
Have you ever gone shell... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2007
Have you ever gone shell hunting at an ocean beach? I well remember the beautiful shells
Several years ago, a movie... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2007
Several years ago, a movie came out titled, Cocoon. It was the story of some old
In pastoral counseling, often a... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2001
In pastoral counseling, often a client is asked the miracle question.
During one of the worst... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2001
During one of the worst blizzards of the winter I received a phone call from one of my parishioners.
One of the most famous... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2001
One of the most famous British ships of the twentieth century was HMS Renown.
The brides of the Himba... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2001
The brides of the Himba people in Namibia wear a leather headdress, the back of which features the s
Many people have difficulty dealing... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1998
Many people have difficulty dealing with the stress of modern life.
Judgment Day, the final one... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1998
Judgment Day, the final one, has arrived.
A young couple decided they... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1998
A young couple decided they wanted to volunteer and help reach out to meet the needs of people.
Sue had two young children... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1998
Sue had two young children just learning to crawl.
Harold, a scientist at NASA... -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1995
Harold, a scientist at NASA, was attending his grandpa's funeral.

The Immediate Word

Hungry for More Justice -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2022
For May 15, 2022:
Love Between Our Toes -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2019
For May 19, 2019:
Opening Closed Doors -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
North Carolina became the center of national controversy last month when it passed the “
Soft Targets -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Leah Lonsbury, Ron Love -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
The news last Monday afternoon was stunning.
Is America A Christian Nation? -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2010
The volcano in Iceland that disrupted travel and commerce throughout Europe has not been the only er


Free Sermon Illustrations for May 2, 2010 from SermonStudio -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18, Psalm 148 -- Don R. Yocom -- 2010



FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER -- Acts 14:8-18, Psalm 145:13b-21, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- B. David Hostetter -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1985
CALL TO WORSHIP(Responsively)God is great and greatly to be praised.


The Immediate Word

Hungry for More Justice -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2022
For May 15, 2022:
Love Between Our Toes -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2019
For May 19, 2019:
Opening Closed Doors -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
North Carolina became the center of national controversy last month when it passed the “
Soft Targets -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Leah Lonsbury, Ron Love -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
The news last Monday afternoon was stunning.
Is America A Christian Nation? -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2010
The volcano in Iceland that disrupted travel and commerce throughout Europe has not been the only er
Maternal Love: Human And Divine -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Carter Shelley -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
We pause in the midst of ongoing war and war crimes to think this Sunday of maternal love.
Divided We Fall -- Acts 11:1-18, John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Scott Suskovic, Barbara Jurgensen, Thom M. Shuman -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
The recent story about the U.S.


Fifth Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Carlos Wilton -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2006
Theme For The Day
Fifth Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe resurrected Christ becomes a physical presence in the world again.
Fifth Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2000
COMMENTARY ON THE LESSONSLesson 1: Acts 11:1-18 (C)
Fifth Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 14:8-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- George M. Bass -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Fifth Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 14:8-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- George M. Bass -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Easter 5 -- Acts 14:8-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Perry H. Biddle, Jr. -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1988
Comments on the Lessons


The Immediate Word

Hungry for More Justice -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2022
For May 15, 2022:
Love Between Our Toes -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2019
For May 19, 2019:
Opening Closed Doors -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
North Carolina became the center of national controversy last month when it passed the “
Soft Targets -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Leah Lonsbury, Ron Love -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
The news last Monday afternoon was stunning.
Is America A Christian Nation? -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2010
The volcano in Iceland that disrupted travel and commerce throughout Europe has not been the only er
Maternal Love: Human And Divine -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Carter Shelley -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
We pause in the midst of ongoing war and war crimes to think this Sunday of maternal love.
Divided We Fall -- Acts 11:1-18, John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Scott Suskovic, Barbara Jurgensen, Thom M. Shuman -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
The recent story about the U.S.


Heaven On Earth -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Steven E. Albertin -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2009
Many years ago when I was going to prep school in Milwaukee, the students loved to walk past a nearb
New Creations In Christ -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2006
There once was a very unhappy old man.
All Things New -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Bill Mosley -- 2004
Years ago I worked at a telecatalog center.
Vocabulary Building -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2003
Just like that, everything changes.
Creating Family -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Henry F. Woodruff -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2000
The issue was one of survival.

Free Access

Heaven On Earth -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Steven E. Albertin -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2009
Many years ago when I was going to prep school in Milwaukee, the students loved to walk past a nearb

The Village Shepherd

After Death, Life -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
The death of someone you love, causes perhaps the worst pain known to human beings.



The Table -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Keith Hewitt, Lamar Massingill -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2022
What's Up This Week
Living Outside The Box -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Keith Wagner, C. David Mckirachan -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
Contents "Living Outside the Box" by Keith Wagner
Parting Words -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Keith Hewitt -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
Contents"Parting Words" by Keith Hewitt
A Mother's Share -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- John E. Sumwalt And Jo Perry-sumwalt -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
A Mother's Share


Pie In The Sky -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- David E. Leininger -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2009
Do you like to eat? I do. I like food! And it shows.
Living In Kansas, Wishing For Oz -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Gregory L. Tolle -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2006
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away
No More Tears -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Richard A. Jensen -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1994
Can you imagine a four-year-old boy falling to his death from the 53rd floor of a New York City apar


The Immediate Word

Hungry for More Justice -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2022
For May 15, 2022:
Love Between Our Toes -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2019
For May 19, 2019:
Opening Closed Doors -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2016
North Carolina became the center of national controversy last month when it passed the “
Soft Targets -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Leah Lonsbury, Ron Love -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2013
The news last Monday afternoon was stunning.
Is America A Christian Nation? -- John 13:31-35, Acts 11:1-8, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2010
The volcano in Iceland that disrupted travel and commerce throughout Europe has not been the only er
Maternal Love: Human And Divine -- John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Acts 11:1-18 -- Carter Shelley -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
We pause in the midst of ongoing war and war crimes to think this Sunday of maternal love.
Divided We Fall -- Acts 11:1-18, John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6, Psalm 148 -- Scott Suskovic, Barbara Jurgensen, Thom M. Shuman -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
The recent story about the U.S.


Easter 5 -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148 -- Julia Ross Strope -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2009
The Easter story is about the triumph of creativity.
Fifth Sunday Of Easter -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Frank Ramirez -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Revelation 21:1-6Theme: It's About Time
Fifth Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2003
Theme: Salvation Is Available To EveryoneCall To Worship
Fifth Sunday of Easter -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- James R. Wilson -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 1997
First Lesson: Acts 11:1-18 Theme: Christ for the world
The New Heaven And The New Earth -- Revelation 21:1-6 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- All Saints Day - B -- 1993
Suggestions:Use as an anthem.
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New & Featured This Week

The Immediate Word

Dean Feldmeyer
Thomas Willadsen
Mary Austin
Christopher Keating
George Reed
Katy Stenta
For July 28, 2024:


John Jamison
Object: Twelve baskets. Have two of the baskets out to show everyone, but keep ten of the baskets hidden until you need them in the message.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent!

Emphasis Preaching Journal

David Coffin
Regardless of who we are and where we live, we will all one day face some form a wilderness. A modern example is “Wendy”, amiddle-aged woman who has had to relocate from the communities she was born, raised, attended school in and worked for many years. Changing circumstance of family employment forced Wendy to relocate to unfamilarcommunities that do not align with her values.  This urban community she currently resides, feels foreign to her in terms of loss of friends, family connections, different businesses. They are quite different values from the small college town she was raised in.
Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Bill Thomas
2 Samuel 11:1-15
About David’s sin and sin in general, John Wesley wrote: “See how all the way to sin is downhill! When men begin, they cannot stop themselves.” (Commentary On the Bible, p.199) We are all as sinful as David, maybe more so. Martin Luther explained why:


Frank Ramirez
In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle…. (v. 1)

Most people, even those who don’t like Shakespeare, will recognize some of his most famous lines. Like:

“To be or not to be. That is the question.”

“Friends, Romans, and countrymen, lend me your ears.”

“Parting is such sweet sorrow.”

“To thine own and be true.”

One line they may especially recognize, even if they don’t know what play it’s from, is “My horse! My horse! My kingdom for a horse!”

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

Jesus was able to produce enough food to feed all the people, and he was able to calm the storm. In our service today let us receive his nourishment and allow him to calm any storms that we might have.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, sometimes we reject the food you offer and blame our storms on you.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, sometimes we fail to trust that you always have our best interests at heart.
Christ, have mercy.


John E. Sumwalt
Kai M. Mcclinton
I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. (vv. 16-17)

My family is very close. We depend on one another and do all that we can for each other. When one is in trouble, we all come running to assist in any way that we can. We learned this kind of love and support from our grandmother, Elsie Burton. She was a hard working woman who loved her family and all people.
Michael D. Wuchter
After this Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, also called the Sea of Tiberias. A large crowd kept following him, because they saw the signs that he was doing for the sick. Jesus went up the mountain and sat down there with his disciples. Now the Passover, the festival of the Jews, was near. When he looked up and saw a large crowd coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, "Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?" He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he was going to do.
Sue Anne Steffey Morrow
Above my desk at home is a single pine shelf that holds a row of books, books which through the years have meant a whole world to me. You may have such a collection of such treasures, too, volumes by favorite writers of poetry, prose, narrative, non-fiction. Some of my books are so old that the covers are frayed and the pages yellowing. There is a volume I read for the first time last summer that is crisp and clean. Some have markers to note a beloved section or a poem I'd like to find with dispatch. Some are helpful in a direct manner, some reflective.
Charles And Donna Cammarata
Call To Worship
A general Call To Worship.
Call upon the Lord.
God is present in the company of the righteous.
God is our refuge,
And our salvation,
Our strength,
And our song.
Let us rejoice,
And be glad!

Ephesians passage.
Come, let us worship God.
Let us kneel before the Father,
From whom his whole family,

Special Occasion

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