Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24 | Pentecost 16

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  • CSSPlus

    John Jamison
    Object: A small cross to give to each child. They could be as simple as two sticks tied together, a printed cross, a small cross for them to keep, or any homemade cross.

    Note: When you tell the children the number of accidents, it could help make more sense if you could give some local examples of just what that number means. For example, you might...
  • The Immediate Word

    Christopher Keating
    Thomas Willadsen
    Katy Stenta
    Mary Austin
    Dean Feldmeyer
    For September 15, 2024:
  • Emphasis Preaching Journal

    Mark Ellingsen
    The lessons consistently send that message that what transpires is only by the grace of God.

    Proverbs 1:20-33
    The First Lesson is part of a compilation of several wisdom sayings, aphorisms traditionally ascribed to Solomon. In fact, some of these sayings may derive from Gentile texts (see Chapters 30-31) that received final editing in the post-exilic...
  • Emphasis Preaching Journal

    Mark Ellingsen
    Bill Thomas
    Frank Ramirez
    Bonnie Bates
    Proverbs 1:20-33
    I am not a Tik Tok fan, and I do not have an account. However, in researching for this passage, I came across and interesting section of Tik Tok videos. The genre (if that’s the right word) was “I should have listened to my parents.” In that section, I found multiple Tik Tok videos with users describing, in usually a minute or less, situations in which they...
  • StoryShare

    Frank Ramirez
    So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great exploits. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire” (vv. 5-6)

    A professional football game in the United States includes many rituals. Fans who arrive early watch the players take the field in more casual athletic gear, so they can stretch, jog, throw and catch pass, and...
  • The Village Shepherd

    Janice B. Scott
    In a previous incarnation (as it were!) I used to work as a physiotherapist in a NHS hospital. Much of my time was spent working with stroke victims. All long-term illnesses are cruel, but a severe stroke really does seem to be one of the cruellest.

    Some people have a stroke which is so minor that they don't even realise anything is wrong. Perhaps they just feel a...
  • SermonStudio

    Stephen P. McCutchan
    Proverbs 1:20-33
    How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?
    -- Proverbs 1:22

    At least in American society, there has always been an anti-intellectual strain. This manifests itself within the Christian community through a disparaging of the hard intellectual wrestling with the...
  • SermonStudio

    Donna E. Schaper
    Proverbs is right: Having a good name is a terribly important thing. It is important in business, it is important in society, it is important at home, in a family. When we lose our good name, we have lost our trustworthiness. Sometimes it cannot be replaced.

    How do we know if we have a good name? What is the measurement? Is it the absence of gossip? Or the presence of trust? Is a good...
  • SermonStudio

    Harold C. Warlick, Jr.
    A popular series of movies has been the Lethal Weapon series. You might remember that in the series Mel Gibson plays a semi-unbalanced police officer named Riggs. Riggs is a capable detective but occasionally he goes berserk and mentally flips out. He's called a lethal weapon because you never know when he's going to go off.

    Each of us has the potential to become a "lethal weapon." We...
  • SermonStudio

    George W. Hoyer
    You have heard that it has been said in old times, "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach." But I say unto you this morning, "Those who are taught, can do." As one who has been taught, I say this unto you as to those who have been taught by God, "Having been taught, we can."

    All this is pertinent to us all because as the Preacher in Ecclesiastes wrote, "For everything there is a...

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