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John E. Sumwalt

John E. Sumwalt is the lead pastor of Wauwatosa Avenue United Methodist Church in suburban Milwaukee and the author of nine books, to be released by CSS in 2007. John and his wife, Jo Perry-Sumwalt, served for three years as co-editors of StoryShare. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary (UDTS), Sumwalt received the Herbert Manning Jr. award for parish ministry from UDTS in 1997.
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The Aqueduct -- Isaiah 43:18-25 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jo Perry-Sumwalt -- Epiphany 7 | Ordinary Time 7 - B -- 1996
Years ago there was an aqueduct that brought fresh water into the center of the village, all the way
Afflicted -- Psalm 22:23-31 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jo Perry-Sumwalt -- Second Sunday in Lent - B -- 1996
There was once a little boy whose most prized possession was a light blue cat's-eye crystal marble.
You Shall Not Murder -- Exodus 20:1-17 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jo Perry-Sumwalt -- Third Sunday in Lent - B -- 1996
There was once a man who was an active proponent of capital punishment.
Dog Days Of The Soul -- John 3:14-21 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jo Perry-Sumwalt -- Fourth Sunday in Lent - B -- 1996
The Mortician's Tale -- John 20:1-18 -- John E. Sumwalt -- Easter Day - A -- 1992
It was on a warm Saturday afternoon, late in the spring of 1911. I'll never forget the day.
Creation -- Genesis 1:1-2:4a -- John E. Sumwalt -- Trinity Sunday | 1st Sunday after Pentecost - A -- 1992
The Almighty One was alone.
What Counts In The End? -- Matthew 21:28-32 -- John E. Sumwalt -- Proper 21 | Ordinary Time 26 - A -- 1992
There was once a woman who believed very strongly in the sanctity of marriage.
Come, Lord Jesus -- Matthew 24:36-44 -- John E. Sumwalt -- First Sunday of Advent - A -- 1992
Two women lay in their beds on the third floor of a downtown nursing home.
In A Land Of Deep Darkness ... -- Isaiah 9:2-7 -- John E. Sumwalt -- The Nativity of our Lord - A -- 1992
In almost any other setting Memorial's modern brick building, surrounded by neatly trimmed evergreen
Between A Rock And A Hard Place -- Psalm 40:1-10 -- John E. Sumwalt -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - A -- 1992
There is a high hill which overlooks the little city of Rich-land Center, in south west Wisconsin wh
Cleansed -- Psalm 51:1-17 -- John E. Sumwalt -- Ash Wednesday - A -- 1992
Shirley sits bolt upright in her bed and cries out, "Enough, I can't bear it anymore!" The back of h
Born Of The Spirit -- John 3:1-17 -- John E. Sumwalt, Earl Kammerud -- Trinity Sunday | 1st Sunday after Pentecost - B
Do not be astonished that I said to you, "You must be born from above." The wind blows where it choo
Ronny's Gift -- Psalm 51:1-17 -- John E. Sumwalt, Rebecca Henderleiter -- Ash Wednesday - B
In recovery circles, many tight-knit relationships are formed.
Grounded In Love -- Ephesians 3:14-21 -- John E. Sumwalt, Kai M. Mcclinton -- Proper 9 | Ordinary Time 14 - B
I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your
What Is God Saying? -- Luke 1:26-38 -- John E. Sumwalt, Susan D. Jamison -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - B
In May of 1996, I attended an event at Kirkridge, located in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania.
A Heavenly Voice -- Psalm 84 -- John E. Sumwalt, Rosmarie Trapp -- Proper 11 | Ordinary Time 16 - B
When I was growing up, in our large family which performed all over Europe and the U.S., I was the r
Reaping Joy -- Psalm 126 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jo Perry-Sumwalt -- Thanksgiving Day - B
May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy.
Our Family In Heaven -- Revelation 21:1-6a -- John E. Sumwalt, Jeff Veenhuis -- All Saints Day - B
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "See, the home of God is among mortals.
That Which Comes From Heaven -- John 6:24-35 -- John E. Sumwalt, Janet Angel -- Proper 10 | Ordinary Time 15 - B
Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, "He gave them bread from heaven to
Transfigured -- Mark 9:2-9 -- John E. Sumwalt, Theonia Amenda -- Transfiguration Sunday - B
And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth
Cameron's Story -- Isaiah 40:1-11 -- John E. Sumwalt, Todd Chrisler, John E. Sumwalt -- Second Sunday of Advent - B
I met Todd and Dawn at wedding reception in the fall of 1999.
Do Not Let The Sun Go Down On Your Anger -- Ephesians 4:25--5:2 -- John E. Sumwalt, Marjorie K. Evans -- Proper 11 | Ordinary Time 16 - B
Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger ...

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A Mother's Prayer -- John 17:6-19 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jo Perry-Sumwalt -- Seventh Sunday of Easter - B -- 1996
It was the same every night when Ruth Kristmon got into her bed.
The Feeding Of The Fifty -- John 6:1-21 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jo Perry-Sumwalt -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - B -- 1996
Nancy Baker's cooking had become something of a legend at Our Savior's Church.
The Trial Of Gilbert Gunderson -- John 18:33-37 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jo Perry-Sumwalt -- Christ The King (Proper 29) - B -- 1996
Gilbert Gunderson has been the editor of the Willow Bluff weekly newspaper for as long as I, and eve
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For June 16, 2024:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Frank Ramirez
Out with the old, and in with the new. That’s easily said, but not so easily done. Yet though we think of ourselves as simple people, we can end up with a lot of clutter. Change is necessary, but that’s not always a comfortable transition to make. It’s hard enough to clean out our closets. But how about our spiritual lives?
Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
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1 Samuel 15:34--16:13


Peter Andrew Smith
“My parents raised me in the church.” Charlene leaned against the desk in their residence room. “So to answer your question, I guess I’ve always had faith.”

“Really?” Jody flopped on the bed in the other side of the room. “You can’t ever remember a time when you didn’t believe?”

Charlene thought for a moment. “I’ve certainly had doubts but those are the things that actually confirmed my faith. Like when Nan died in the car accident.”

Jody sat up against the wall and considered her friend. “You kept your faith because your grandmother died unexpectedly?”


John Jamison
Object: A packet of mustard seeds, or a packet of the smallest seeds you can find.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent!

One day Jesus was talking with his friends and he wanted to tell them something really, really important. So, this is what he told them. He said:


Carlos Wilton
Among the greatest political speeches ever written is Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address. His brief Gettysburg Address is more famous, but those who take the time to read the Second Inaugural Address will come away impressed not only by Lincoln's rhetorical skills, but also with his probing philosophical mind and deep piety.

William J. Carl, III
I don't know about you but when I was growing up I always loved hearing the story of Cinderella. There was always something magical about it. It was more than Walter Mitty or Lee Iacocca -- small-town boy made good. It was more than Prince Charles and Princess Diana in all their regal splendor long before Diana's untimely death.

Ron Lavin
The kingdom of God is described in many different ways in the Bible. In Mark 4, the kingdom of God is described in terms of small seeds quietly planted by a farmer. The seeds can grow to great size, like a mustard plant which in ancient Israel became one of the largest of bushes. Small beginnings can have great endings.
Glenn W. Mcdonald
In his book Making Life Work, Chicago area pastor Bill Hybels cites a study that was published under an intriguing title: 178 Seconds to Live. The study concerned twenty pilots, all seasoned veterans in the cockpits of their small planes, but none of whom had ever taken instrument training. One by one they were placed in a flight simulator and told to do whatever they could to keep their planes level and under control. The simulator generated the conditions of a storm, including impenetrable, dark clouds.

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